Welcome to the world of r3vobanDs

April 25, 2023
4 min read
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The journey begins: How it all began

As horse lovers and equestrian enthusiasts, we are always looking for ways to promote the well-being of our horses. Our impetus for developing the r3vobanD came from the general criticism of the 2-finger rule and the numerous new studies examining noseband pressure and its health consequences. In light of this information, we were convinced that there had to be a better solution: one that would continue to adhere to the 2-finger rule, but also reduce the pressure that might be created. With this goal in mind, we began our journey to develop an innovative noseband that would provide pressure relief and comfort without limiting the horses' performance. This is how the r3vobanD was born.

First steps: The search for a better solution

Our search for a better solution began with intensive research on conventional nosebands and their effects on horses. We analyzed studies and interviewed riders and experts to fully understand the problems of conventional nosebands. Prior to developing the r3vobanD, our startup already had experience manufacturing 3D-printed products for equine veterinary medicine, such as 3D-printed bone screws for bone cysts and 3D-printed dental implants for horses. We now wanted to transfer this expertise in 3D printing technology to the traditional equestrian world. Based on our background knowledge and experience, we started to develop the r3vobanD - a product that addresses the problems of traditional nosebands while improving the comfort and health of horses.

The development: prototypes and tests

The creation of the r3vobanD was a process in which numerous prototypes were created and extensively tested to find the ideal solution for horse and rider. Working closely with veterinarians and professional riders, we developed and tested the r3vobanD to ensure our product was effective, safe and viable. By using 3D printing technology, we were able to quickly prototype and customize, which allowed us to continuously optimize the design of the r3vobanD and ultimately achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

The science behind the r3vobanD

To scientifically prove the effectiveness of the r3vobanD, we conducted studies and collaborated with renowned scientists and the PHWT. PHWT tested the r3vobanD in various situations and performed a computer simulation that analyzed and compared the forces on the nose of a horse's head - both with and without the r3vobanD. The results showed that the r3vobanD reduces pressure and shear forces on the bridge of the nose by 60% and optimizes pressure distribution, which improves the health and well-being of horses. We have summarized the findings from these studies in a scientific study.

The r3vobanD revolution: Unique advantages

The r3vobanD offers numerous advantages as a supplement to conventional nosebands. The unique 3D-printed grid structure made of soft TPU material reduces pressure and shear forces without compromising the functionality of the noseband. The different sizes and variations of the r3vobanD ensure that it is suitable for every riding style and discipline and fits seamlessly into existing equipment.

Feedback from the equestrian world

Since the introduction of the r3vobanD, we have received a lot of positive feedback from riders and horse owners. Our customers report improved contact, a more relaxed horse and an overall more pleasant riding experience.

The r3vobanD community: working together for the well-being of horses

The r3vobanD community is constantly growing and is characterized by dedicated riders and horse owners who focus on the well-being of their horses. Through the exchange of experiences and the common passion for horses, a strong community is created, which is committed to the spread of the r3vobanD and its benefits.

The future of the r3vobanD: Constant further development

We do not rest on our laurels. The r3vobanD team is always striving to develop and improve the product to meet the needs of our customers and their horses. There are even r3vobanD developments in the pipeline for the neck and chin to provide even more comprehensive protection and comfort. Through continuous research, testing and collaboration with experts, we aim to ensure that the r3vobanD always remains at the cutting edge of technology and meets the highest demands.

Be part of the revolution: Here's how you can try out the r3vobanD

If you are curious and want to try the r3vobanD for yourself, you can easily order it through our online store. We offer different sizes and variations, so you can find the perfect r3vobanD for your horse and yourself. In addition, we are always available for questions and concerns and are happy to welcome you to the r3vobanD community.


The r3vobanD is more than just a supplementary noseband aid - it is an innovative equestrian development aimed at improving the well-being of our beloved four-legged friends. Through continuous research, development and collaboration with the equestrian community, we strive to constantly optimize the r3vobanD to make the riding experience more harmonious and enjoyable for both horse and rider. Become part of the r3vobanD community and experience for yourself the benefits of this pioneering product.

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Discover the revolutionary r3vobanD and see how it improves your horse's comfort and well-being.
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What is the r3vobanD?

The r3vobanD is an innovative, 3D-printed padding system designed to reduce pressure on the sensitive areas of the horse's head and improve contact.

Which horses is the r3vobanD suitable for?

The r3vobanD is suitable for all horses and riding styles, as it adapts flexibly to the shape of the horse's head and can be used in combination with different snaffles and bits. It is suitable for dressage, show jumping and leisure riders and can be particularly helpful for horses with sensitive or problematic mouth and head areas.

Is the r3vobanD available in different sizes?

The r3vobanD is available in different sizes and variants and is suitable for most horses. If you are unsure, we recommend sending us a photo of your horse to get a size recommendation. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help.

Can the r3vobanD be used at tournaments?

Yes, the r3vobanD is approved for use at national and international tournaments.

How is the r3vobanD attached to the bridle?

The r3vobanD is easy to attach to the bridle and can be used with or without clips, depending on the model.

What material is the r3vobanD made from?

The r3vobanD is made from a durable and flexible TPU material that is known for its shock-absorbing properties.

How do I clean the r3vobanD?

The r3vobanD can be cleaned with water and mild soapy water. Please avoid contact with solvents or harsh cleaning agents.

Is there a satisfaction guarantee?

Yes, we offer a 90-day satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied, you can return the product and receive a refund.

How long does the delivery take?

The delivery time is usually 2-3 working days after the 3D printing process, depending on the order quantity and the shipping destination.